Thursday, May 22, 2014

35 Weeks!!!

35 weeks! It's hard to believe that we are about to meet this sweet baby! I remember thinking when I went to the doctor at 6 or 7 weeks...are you sure I'm pregnant? I don't feel pregnant! I don't look pregnant. It really took a while for it to sink in! I've really been blessed with this pregnancy! No morning sickness, and indigestion didn't start until after 23 weeks or so. I've been swelling in my feet and ankles in the afternoons, but I worked from home today and they look great! I think this is my new reality...taking it easy with my feet up! It feels like I'm being lazy, but its better than pushing through and being put on bed rest or something! I just hope that I can get back in my boots after she is born! I like flip flops, just not every day!!!

The only drama we have had was this past Saturday!!! Ms. Mary Sue, my mother in law...for those who didn't know her name, fell out her back door into the yard. The floor mat got caught in the door as she was closing it. She tripped and then fell almost head first down the steps and into the yard. I was picking her up for our trip to Covington for a baby shower. I tried to help her, but we both ended up falling. Tom rushed home and helped me get her in the car. 

This is the accident site!!! It is hard to tell from the picture, but the concrete is pretty thick and drops off into the yard. We both ended up 3 or 4 feet out in the yard towards the pole!!!!! Thankfully we didn't land on the concrete or across it. She is getting a ramp built this weekend! :)

We rushed to Dublin to the ER. When we got there, my adrenalin had worn off and I was hurting in my lower belly on the left side. Amy drove like crazy and met us at the hospital. When we were getting Ms. Mary Sue checked into the ER, I told them I thought I might need to get checked out as well. Amy stayed with Ms. Mary Sue and Tom went upstairs to the Women's Center with me. They said as far along as I was, that the ER couldn't check me out. 

Ms. Mary Sue broke her left arm right below the shoulder joint. Thankfully it wasn't any worse! She took a HUGE fall and we are blessed she is okay!!!

They checked me and baby girl out. Her heart beat was very strong and I was great as well. I'm 1 to 2 cm and was having irregular contractions. It could be any day now!!! :) They told me to take Tylenol for the soreness and told me I was able to travel to Covington for my baby shower! Whew! Tom was mad that I didn't tell him that I fell too! He was calm, but I could tell he was worried! He was very sweet!!! He stayed with his Mama for two nights to make sure she was okay as she adjusted to being in a sling.

So we've been taking it easy this week! I worked from home today, to help Ms. Mary Sue with her shower and hair. She's really doing well and is very pleasant for having a broke arm!!! I'm very blessed to have such a great relationship with her! The nurses at the hospital told me "you must really love your mother in law, because we would have pushed ours!!!!"  WOW! I guess I really am lucky to have such a great one! I couldn't imagine being in turmoil like that all the time! I picked on the nurses as we left for them to be sweet to their mother in laws! :) They laughed!


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