Saturday, May 31, 2014

Doctor Update!

I had an appointment for my last sonogram on 5/28/14! Tom was able to come with me. She is really low and I am already progressing! I'm 3 cm!!! Dr. Boles seemed surprised and said I could "go" any day! We had planned on inducing the week of the 9th, since Dr. Boles will be out of town for his anniversary. Dr. Boles told us on Wednesday that I wouldn't make it that long! :) Yay! I was nervous about being induced anyways, so I was excited to know that we won't need to!!! The sonogram showed that she has a head full of hair!!! She is measuring around 6 pounds 9 ounces! She must be doing well, since they haven't said anything else. I'm just praying that labor and delivery will be as easy as this pregnancy has been! :)

I decided that it was time to go on maternity leave. I worked really hard this week, but over did it on Friday!!! I've been having braxton hicks contractions for a while, but Friday they changed. I think I just pushed my body too far. I had two meetings in the morning, starting at 7:30 am, and then I didn't leave the office until about 6 or 6:30 pm! I got everything on my list done, but I was exhausted!!! Thankfully everything is taken care of at the office and I can finally just worry about Nesting & Resting!!! :)

Tom decided after my contractions changed yesterday to stay home with me today! It has been nice having him with me all day. We went to Tractor Supply and Walmart. Usually he goes and looks at magazines while I grocery shop, but he walked every step with me! He is getting even more protective of us (me & baby!)

My next appointment is next Tuesday. We'll see if I make it that long! :) I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, so she is finally considered full term and done cooking! She will be gaining weight every day, but she would be just fine if she were born today!!!!! Thank God! Prayers for the upcoming labor and delivery are greatly appreciated!!! We'll let everyone know when she's here! Then you can finally know her beautiful name!!! :)

Church Baby Shower

May 24, 2014
Mt. Zion Baby Shower

I was so overwhelmed with all of the people who came to the shower! I didn't cry, but it was very touching!
The UMW and my family (Ms. Mary Sue, Amy and Mary Jo) made everything so beautiful and PINK!!! Someone said that too much pink blew up in the room! Audrey, our niece, said there could never be too much pink! I agree!!!! Pink and sparkly are always a good thing! :) Mama and Aunt Charlene were able to come as well! It was great having them at my house for a couple of days!

We are so blessed! We got so many wonderful things! Thank you everyone for attending and making me feel so special! We are so excited to meet this little girl and this was a wonderful party to celebrate her soon arrival!

I was 35 weeks and 6 days at this shower.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Covington Baby Shower, 5-18-14

The Covington baby shower was wonderful! Ms.Anita, Ms. Beth, Ms. Francis and Ms. Martha did an awesome job making me feel sooooo special for the shower! The decorations were so me! The food was awesome and I saw so many people that I haven't seen in years! The shower was at Salem UMC, the church I grew up in and where Tom and I got married! Salem is so much a part of me and it made the shower even more special! I know Mama felt special too with her friends putting so much into the shower for me. They wouldn't even let her help with anything!

Thanks again for the wonderful shower!!! Ms. Beth wasn't able to be at the shower, because she was taking care of family. We met to eat lunch Monday to get a hug and say thanks!!!

 Lunch date with Ms. Beth!

 Ms. Francis, Ms. Martha, Me and Ms. Anita!

 We have been so blessed! Thank you everyone for helping us with everything! I feel like we are going to make it, not only with everything people have given us, but also the support!

 Ms. Wimberly & Me

These are NOT her initials! Mama got initials for "Miss Priss Jeffries!" That's what she's calling her!

 Me and Shelby

 Joy, me, Shelby & April

Uncle Steve needed documentation of what I looked like! :)
Julia, Jennifer, Me and Leah 

 Aunt Charlene, me and Leah

 My beautiful sister and Mama! Jennifer, Mama (Diane) and Me!

Julia (my niece,) Jen, Mama and me