Saturday, June 7, 2014

Change of Plans!!!!!!!

Well, my nesting and resting didn't last very long!!! Saturday I enjoyed a wonderful day with Tom. We went to Walmart and Tractor Supply. Usually Tom would go to the magazine aisle, but he walked the entire store with me. I had started getting really uncomfortable on Friday with those stronger irregular contractions. I guess he could sense that I was close too! I was walking really slow, because of the low pressure and just overall lack of comfort. We were pretty much lazy the rest of the day. I thought to myself...I'm starting maternity leave early this Monday. I'll have time to do more nesting then. I'm tired! :)

Sunday I didn't go to church, because I was still uncomfortable and tired. I took it easy and we rented some movies that evening. We watched one movie and I started noticing that my contractions were getting closer together. I started writing them down. I didn't say anything to Tom though. We started the second movie and I sent Mama a text to see what she thought. My contractions were weird and different. One might be like low cramps and the next a wrapping squeeze from top to bottom. They didn't hurt, but I couldn't ignore them either. Mama text me back and told me to go on to the hospital. I was having contractions every 5 minutes, but all of them weren't strong or pushing downward. I wasn't sure if I should count all of them.

Anyways, I told Tom that I thought we might need to go on to the hospital. He was kind of stressed, because I couldn't tell him definitely that I was in labor. I told him "I don't know! I think I need to..." He thought it would be a definite thing like "WE NEED TO GO RIGHT NOW!!!!" Oh well! One thing I've learned throughout my pregnancy and this whole process is to quit planning! Educate yourself on how things work and give it all over to God!

We went to the hospital Sunday evening. They monitored me for an hour or so and checked me. I was 4 cm (I was 3 the past Wednesday), the baby was really low and I was pretty close. We don't need to share every detail. They talked to Dr. Boles and they decided to keep me, since we live 40 minutes away and sometimes women can change fast after 4 cm. My contractions had started to level out and not do much. They still wanted to play it safe. They moved me into a labor and delivery room and then my contractions started to get stronger. I also changed to about a 5. They said I wasn't going anywhere!!! :) We were having this baby!!! Yay!!!! I was exactly 37 weeks!!!

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