Friday, February 7, 2014

Baby names, baby stuff and stress!

We're keeping her name a secret until she's here! So everyone can quit asking!  :)

I'm going though the nesting/worrying/planning stage I guess! Tom is frustrated with me planning for child care and all the house nesting. He keeps saying we have time, but I'm feeling an urgency to plan now. I had my first hormonal crying last night! She's not even here yet and I'm already so protective and turning into a Mama!!

I had a scare this week. I think my blood sugar dropped and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had eaten breakfast, but I worked through lunch and pushed it back to 2pm. I guess she's pulling more from me than I thought! I sat down and ate with a fan blowing on me, which made me feel normal again! Thankfully I listened to my body and fixed the problem. I've been keeping water with me everywhere I go, but snacks are a must now as well! ;)

I'm looking forward to registering for everything later this month with Mama! There's so much to think about! :) I'm ready to scan some PINK!!!!

Well, WE need our beauty rest! Goodnight!

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