Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014


So here are my cowgirl nursery ideas! Cowgirl Bling! Rustic meets Girly Girl!

Walls: taupe/tan
Bedding: Pink ruffles, cow print (brown/white or black/white) fitted sheet, simple bumper with pink bows to match ruffles. I want the same look like in the red bedding picture on the bottom left...only PINK bows and ruffles!!!! :)
Rug: Cowhide, tri-color or light two toned!
Mobile: Pink, brown and maybe turquoise horses
Curtains: PINK! :) (Old tin over the window??)
Toy box: smaller water tough with lid
Artwork: rope name or boards with her name painted on it with Tom's Daddy's rope on the wall around it. Cute horse shoe art and painted sign! :) I'm ready to start on these!
I'll accent with turquoise throughout the room. Maybe a lamp a picture frame or horseshoe! :)

She's going to be so cute and her room will too! :) I guess I should run this by Tom to find out his opinion, but I don't want my bubble busted! ;) Maybe I'll just start making the nursery cute and he'll fall in love with the idea of his little girl's room too! Pray that he does!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Baby names, baby stuff and stress!

We're keeping her name a secret until she's here! So everyone can quit asking!  :)

I'm going though the nesting/worrying/planning stage I guess! Tom is frustrated with me planning for child care and all the house nesting. He keeps saying we have time, but I'm feeling an urgency to plan now. I had my first hormonal crying last night! She's not even here yet and I'm already so protective and turning into a Mama!!

I had a scare this week. I think my blood sugar dropped and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had eaten breakfast, but I worked through lunch and pushed it back to 2pm. I guess she's pulling more from me than I thought! I sat down and ate with a fan blowing on me, which made me feel normal again! Thankfully I listened to my body and fixed the problem. I've been keeping water with me everywhere I go, but snacks are a must now as well! ;)

I'm looking forward to registering for everything later this month with Mama! There's so much to think about! :) I'm ready to scan some PINK!!!!

Well, WE need our beauty rest! Goodnight!

Monday, February 3, 2014

It's a...GIRL!!! :)

We went to the doctor on the 30th to find out that a precious baby girl is inside me! We go back on February 20th to get a DVD and better pictures of her at 23 weeks! :)

:) I felt her first kick on the 28th, my birthday! It was the most awesome present! I chaperoned a 4-H event over the weekend where the teenagers had a dance.  She kicked up a storm in response to the loud music! It was really neat! Even though I was really tired, I enjoyed her "dancing! " We are so blessed! :)