Sunday, December 22, 2013

Great expectations!

Our new Christmas ornament!  Thanks Mama!!!

13 weeks

Well at 12 weeks I had a horrible cold/flu!! Fever, running nose and coughing for at least 3 days. The doctor called me in a Z pack and I took Tylenol for my fever. I gave it to Tom & let's just say we were both pretty pitiful all week. I still have a lingering cough, but we both feel much better now. I missed our 12 week picture. I didn't look any different anyways...just scary from being sick! ;)

Here is the end of 13 weeks! I'm still feeling good. I've had a little bit of indigestion,  but nothing awful. My energy is coming back too!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

10 weeks!

I had a Dr aptmt today. We listened to the baby's heart beat! It took the nurse a little while to find it, so I got a little nervous. Don't scare me like that little peanut!! Thankfully everything is going great! My next checkup is Christmas eve!! :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

9 weeks

Still feeling great! 9 weeks down. I go to the Doctor Wednesday, so I'm hoping everything is going just as well on the inside!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

8 weeks

Well this is late, b/c it's been a busy week.
I'm 8 weeks along and feeling great! The baby is supposedly the size of a macaroni!  ;) Jake is my shadow!

I judged the horse project at our 4-H District Project Achievement (DPA) today. It will be interesting what our kid will love to do, with a horse nut Mom and a tractor/mud bogging Dad! :) All of the kids were so cute and passionate about their project areas! My heart always goes out to the nervous ones. They were sweet little  5th & 6th graders.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 weeks today!!

Ready or not here we go!!! ;)

This is how we made it Facebook official. Things have really changed since FB arrived! People I haven't seen in years are giving congrats and all excited. Some people wanted to know why I didn't tell them in person a few weeks ago...well, becuase our parents are more important and they come first! :P

I'm excited, and Tom is Tom. He's glad that me and the baby are healthy, so he's not going to get too fired up about it like me!
We got to hear and see the baby's heartbeat on Thursday! It was awesome! So tiny and fast!! ; )

:) I'm driving him crazy with baby names now! I got a book: 100,000+ baby names!!!
Tom keeps saying "We have 8 months..." but our little peanut will be here before he knows it! ;)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

6 weeks???

So here is the first picture of my pot belly! From what my bloodwork showed two weeks ago, I should be 6 weeks today! :) We'll have a due date on Halloween! :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Oh Brother!

Jake's not an only child anymore... :)
This is how we told our parents!
It was fun to watch their wheels turn! :)
It's kind of a bitter sweet moment. I wish we could have told Tom's Dad,
Tom's sister and our grandparents. I know they are all smiling from heaven though!

Ready or Not!!!


Ready or Not...You're Going To Be a Daddy!!!

On October 7, 2013, I was 6 days late. I decided to just take a test for the heck of it!
Nothing had ever happened before. I really wasn't expecting anything!!
Well...I did a little happy dance and then called Tom.
Of course he didn't answer his phone, so I sent him this picture with
"Ready or not, you're going to be a Daddy!!!"
Tom called me right back and said he almost ran off the road! :)
I called the doctors office to set up an appointment to confirm. We got in the next day. I took another test at home, like it was going to change or something! They confirmed on 10-8-13 and again on
10-11-13 that I was around 4 weeks!